Blog Page Setup

  1. Go to Pages > Add New
  2. Add your Page Title in the title field
  3. Select Blog Page Template from the Template selection on the right side of the page
  4. Click Publish

Page Settings

  1. Section Title: To enable/disable section title at the header page section select Enable or Disable
  2. Section Title Text: To add section title text at the top of the page write down at this text field.
  3. Open as a separate page: Check it while using "One Page Menu" & want to open this page as a separate page.

Blog Page Settings

  1. Header Title: To enable/disable section title at the header section select Enable or Disable
  2. Header Title Text: To add header title text at the top of the header section write down at this text field.
  3. Header Background Images: To add hedaer background image at the header section click to upload images.
  4. Page Background Images: To add page background image at the page section click to upload images.
  5. Number Of Post Show: To set number of post show at the blog page by slider option
  6. Exclude Category: To show posts from specific category by insert a category name

Page Intro Section Settings

  1. Intro Section: To enable/disable intro section select Enable or Disable
  2. Intro Section Style: Bionick has five types intro section style and they are Image | Slider | Slideshow | Video | Revolution Slider
  3. Intro Section Images: To add image for Image intro section style click to upload images.
  4. MP4 Video: To add video for Video intro section style insert url/upload MP4 format video.
  5. WEBM Video: To add video for Video intro section style insert url/upload WEBM format video.
  6. Video Sound: To enable/disable auto video sound select Enable or Disable
  7. Slider Category: To add slider images for Slider intro section style insert slide category name.
  8. Intro Section Title: To add intro section title text write down at this text field.
  9. Intro Section Subitle: To add intro section subtitle text write down at this text field.
  10. Intro Trailer Button Text: To add intro section trailer button text write down at this text field.
  11. Intro Trailer Button URL: To add intro section trailer button url link write down at this text field.
  12. Intro Trailer Button ScrollTO: To add intro section trailer button scroll to section slug id/name write down at this text field.
  13. Intro Details Button Text: To add intro section details button text write down at this text field.
  14. Intro Details Button URL: To add intro section details button url link write down at this text field.
  15. Intro Details Button ScrollTO: To add intro section details button scroll to section slug id/name write down at this text field.
  16. Coming Soon Countdown: To enable/disable countdown timer at the intro section select Enable or Disable and Add Coming Soon Countdown Timer Set by Entourage Theme Options Click Here.
  17. Revolution Slider ID: To add revolution slider images for Revolution Slider intro section style insert revolution slider shortcode ID.